Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Turning Negatives into.......

How do you deal with a difficult situation or person?  Do you want to run? Do you say things that you think later on you should not have said? Do you want to hurt and talk badly about that person or situation....OR...do you take the high road????

Life is filled with wonderful growth opportunities.  Chances to learn, be of service to others and be filled with gratitude.

Today I get to have an 'opportunity' to work with a difficult individual.  My thought is the person is filled with FEAR or GREED...which by nature are really the same thing. 

I am choosing to look at the bright and positive things in my life.  The sun is out and the mountains are shining all around me.  There are many wonderful, happy souls that I can call and say hello to.  There are unfortunate souls that I can stop and help today - or pray for.  I keep a motivational folder in my documents...I will take a peek inside that folder today.  I will walk our funny dog today.  I will not get hungry or angry today. I will smile at a stranger.  I will send a card to someone. 

Life is filled with wonderful, incredible challenges that help me to be the person I want to be today.  My reactions to life today are a direct result of what I portray to the universe.

Today I am reacting in the LIGHT and LOVE of a joyful life.

How will you react in your life today?

May you have a joyful day~I am happy to help you with any social media, marketing or motivational challenges you may have today~ alaskatracy@gmail.com

Monday, November 14, 2011

Create your Biz Page!

Successful Biz Page:

Fans that LIKE your page are terrific, however millions of FANS are not going to make you successful!  It is Content and a strategy that will help get you to successful land! 

What is your strategy? Do you have a certain Niche?  Maybe your that is where you start with a niche.  Have a story that creates your own authentic voice and explains why you are doing what you are doing. 

Create a Personal Brand that is directed to your target audience.  Have a goal that you will use to create the connection with your audience.  Know your GOAL!

Plan your time for social media.  You do not have to spend hours and hours.  ½ -1 hour per day is all you need if you are purposeful.  Try a 30 day plan.  Every day at 8am I will spend one hour building my page, my brand, connecting to my audience. 

Before you even create your page plan out what content you want to post on that page.  What questions do you get asked all the time?  Have a content GRID and then organize the content.  Before you post ask yourself-is this content good for my BRAND? 

Post once a day to start with.  Sometimes you will annoy your audience if you post more than that.  Have a ritual, meaning be consistent!  

Do not promote yourself until you have build your audience, promote others!!! Maybe post a picture of client that you just worked with and thank them (do get their permission 1st).  Most clients will be flattered!    Post community events, pictures of your community, positive fun upbeat info! 

Happy Monday-happy posting!!!  I am happy to help you be successful with your social media/marketing for your biz!  alaskatracy@gmail.com