Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Stupid NO MORE!

Years ago, I knew I wanted to be a business owner, however I had always thought of myself as 'stupid.'  

When it came to academics, I struggled! I used creativity and a bubbly personality (which was often exhausting) to help me through challenging times like High School, College and Trade Schools.  When it came to learning out of a book or a class room I had all I could do to get by with a C.  Often times Ds and Fs were it for me.  I cheated and often leaned into friends and teachers that I thought could help me.   I felt 'less than' and hopeless.  

I was determined to go into business for myself.  I was unsure how or where to start the process.  A good friend suggested that I seek help from a Business Development Career Counselor, David Goodenough.   With a name like Goodenough,  I knew he was going to be helpful! 

Off I went to meet David at his office in Seattle, WA.  A miracle happened for me that day!  David did a few quick writing tests with me and said I probably have a learning disability, Dyslexia.  Growing up in the 70s and 80s this was not a common word, neither was learning disability.  I started crying.  

David told me of many others that share this disability including the late Albert Einstein.  I learned there are all different degrees of Dyslexia.  I could finally stop BEATING myself up and that there are people that can help me learn 'differently.'   The CRAZY self chatter could stop! I could begin to share with others that too may struggle with a learning disability that there is Hope!  My Creative side could finally be embraced and unleashed!  I could finally stop being that EXTROVERT performer that was so exhausting.  I finally could honor who I really am!  It was a life changing experience for me!  I continued to see David for many years off and on and will forever be filled with Gratitude for the gift he gave me!

I did become a business owner owning and selling one and still the owner of the 2 other businesses.  I never sought out a school for  Dyslexia however I have thought of it and know how to find them.  I have a kind and loving partner in life that knows how my brain works and helps me tremendously.  He GOT IT one day while showing me a picture Tee shirt
I could not understand why he was showing me this...then he said 'what do you see'....I said I Love Dyslexia!  He said look again...I could not see what it said until he showed me.  He GOT IT!  So often times I ask him to explain an article or something that I read.  Directions are often difficult - which was interesting for my employees of a Mobile Dog Grooming Business.   

I ask for help often and do not take myself so serious often which creates much laughter!


  1. I can't imagine going through life with such unexplained difficulties. Thank goodness you found someone who could explain what was really going on and allow you to better know the real you.

    And that tee shirt made me smile.

  2. Love this post! Authentic and a voice the world needs more of! I totally get you, Tracy!
