Thursday, May 17, 2012

Social Avenues to GROW your business

Engagement is key in growing your 'Social Community'!  Strategy is the 2nd key.  Random postings sometimes work, however, if you are in it for the long haul have a strategy!

There are so many 'Social' Avenues out there, how does one decide and stay focused?  It has been my practice to pick 2 be it Facebook and Linkedin  or Twitter and Linkedin...just pick TWO  and stay focused on them.

Focusing means be consistant and have a posting plan.  As another 'Social' Avenue pops up or into your mind-do not divert from the TWO you are focusing on.  Do this for 90 days!  The results will astound you!

Linkedin has been growing in popularity over the last few months.  Businesses are looking for ways to better themselves and this is the 'Social' avenue they are using to find other businesses to help get them to their goals.  I have received 5-10 comments just in the last week asking about Alaska Tracy's 'Offerings' from engaging with my community on Linkedin

Engagement, Strategy and Focus!!!  Keys to a successful 'Social' presence!

Alaska Tracy ~ teaching you the tools for your success! to receive my 'Social Offerings'

Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday, Motivation & Honesty

I have experienced feelings of being 'not good enough' lately.  Yes me, the Motivational, Social Media Coach! I think it is good for me to share the good and the bad about life.  As we all know, life has it's ups and downs.  I believe it to be all my perception! do I stop listening to the 'head chatter'?  The chatter often tells me things that are not true.  Some times my heart listens to the chatter.  That is a scary place for me.  The chatter says things like, you will never amount to anything, you are a financial nightmare, you will never be good enough.  WOW! Pretty harsh chatter that goes on in my head.  The chatter keeps me up at night.  The chatter stops me from pursuing dreams and goals.  The chatter pushes me far away from the ones I love.  The chatter is unhealthy!

The 'head chatter' must be stopped!!!! Time to open the tool kit I have been blessed with over 45 years on this planet.  The tool kit is loaded with goodness.  There are phone numbers in the kit.  Phone numbers of other women that I can call and ask how they are doing.  The tool kit was recently blessed with over 200 women in a Facebook Group that I created.  They are business women like myself.  I can are you doing?  What are you challenged with today.  I have 2 businesses with hundreds of clients that I can call and say-how are you doing today.  The key for me is to listen to them when I ask the question.  Also  the tool box gives me instructions on ways to sit still with the God of my understanding and ask for guidance and direction.  Again I must sit still and listen.  The tool kit tells me to Eat right, get enough sleep and exercise.  The tool kit tells me to be kind and loving to myself.  Then and only then can I be kind to others-especially the ones closest to me.

These are just a few of the tools that I am using this Monday morning.  Already I feel a bit more motivated to be just a little bit nicer to myself and others. I hope the tools are helpful in your life today!

Alaska Tracy ~ 'follow me'...  here to Coach you and your business in Social Media and Motivation!