Thursday, July 5, 2012


We are SOCIAL beings!  Many of us think we are 'loners' however we are all Social Beings!  

Conversation is a large part of the way human beings communicate.  When you see someone you know do you say 'hi, how are you doing?'  Conversations are a connection to one another.

Social Media is just a connection to other Social Beings.  It is a way to communicate and explore others.

What is your perception of 'Social Media'?  Are you 'clueless?'  Do you watch others growing businesses using Social Media and wonder how they are achieving their success?  You can do it too!!! It is just about being Social and communicating with others.

Here are THREE easy, simple tools that you can start using today to start connecting via Social Media, ways that are proven to GROW your Social Community.

1.  Start engaging with your community.  Go to your friends profiles say hello,  see what they are doing.  Ask them questions about their life.  Pay them a compliment!

2.  Promote others!  Most people love to be told how wonderful they promote your friends and other businesses on your Personal Newsfeed and your Fan Page!  Tell your Community about others!!!

3.   Tag others when posting.  Use tags often to get responses.  When commenting on a post tag!  When you have wonderful service tag that business and  brag about how awesome they are!  Let the world know they are amazing!  They will notice you!

Have fun Socializing with your Social Community today!

Alaska Tracy here to INSPIRE you to Grow your Biz thru Social Media tools and tricks!