Friday, July 13, 2012

Grow your Biz ~ Grow your LIFE!

Do you want your business to thrive?  Do you want your life to change and grow? It is EASY and CHEAP ~ and requires effort on your part.

It is an amazing thing to do,'CONNECT' with others!  I work with business owners all the time that tell me they are not extrovert like me.  Truth be told-I am not a true extrovert!  I am more of a home body-I dislike crowds and get exhausted when talking to others all day.  I have learned TOOLS needed to CONNECT and so can you!  If you decide down the road you HATE doing this-HIRE someone to be the Connector of your business.  However, you may find ways to CONNECT that work for you and your personality.

Your mission is to CONNECT to as many people through out the day as possible.  WHAT you ask, speak to others?!!! CRAZY talk you say! THREE ways to GROW!  Ready-set-GROW!!!

1.  Leave your phone in the car while running errands (I know you are IMPORTANT and need others to be able to reach you 24/7!!) When you don't have your little distraction device with you-you just may have an opportunity to say hello to someone! Imagine accidentally striking up a conversation with someone that turns out to be the Owner of a Company that would be a perfect client for your business!  Imagine accidentally meeting a neighbor that lives 2 doors down from you and finding out that your children attend the same soccer camp?  The words 'hello, how are you today' are so powerful. I used this line often 'you look so familiar, I am Tracy the owner of XXX, have you by chance used our services?'  May sound cheesy....guess what? It WORKS!  I meet more people this way (ask my husband)!

2. Ok..Social Media.  My passion and Business.  You get so tired of reading the negatives and the politics.  So....reach out to 4 people a day and 4 businesses a day.  This is the key.  Go to friends or new friends profiles and read what they are up to.  Then on their WALL ask them a question about their life.  You are guaranteed to get a response -I bet they start watching you.  I love the nay sayers!  I spend more time with them - speaking POSITIVE talk-being an example.  Whether they change or not, I always feel better being a positive example!

FOUR business Connections a day.  Go to your Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or any Social Media site.  Pick 4 businesses a day to ENGAGE with CONNECT with!  Promote that business on your page, ask that business a question, LIKE that business's posts, REtweet others OFTEN! Do the 4 friends and 4 business Connection for 30 days!  I guarantee you a LIFE CHANGING experience!

3. Reach out to your COMPETITION! Yup! Just do it!  LIKE their Social Media info!  Talk to them-ask how you may be able to help one another.  I dare you to try this one, as I know many of you will not!  This is powerful!!! There are many clients that will not fit my personality.  I want to have somewhere, someone I can refer them to, and I do! I have a whole pile of businesses that do exactly what I do COACH!  I keep in touch with many of these Coaches - I share their info on my Social sites, I email them, I watch them to make sure they are a good referral fit for me.  I even have 'Referral' fees in place.  Yes, you can get a percentage for referring people back and forth.  Hey you may even learn your competition is not really your direct competition.  They offer services that you do not...nor do you want to offer them.  This is a powerful tool! USE it!

I would love to hear from you in 30 days.  I would love to hear how your LIFE your BUSINESS has GROWN! Please share!  If you don't share with me-SHARE with someone!!!

Happy Growing!

Alaska Tracy here to Inspire and Teach you tools to GROW your LIFE!

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